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About Canwise Financial

CanWise Financial is a Canadian company that specializes in providing mortgages to a wide variety of borrowers.

Where is CanWise located?

Their head office is in Toronto, Ontario but their services extend to the rest of the province. They also have offices in Alberta, Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

How does this brokerage position themselves?

CanWise Financial claim to serve the modern borrower. They position themselves as the hip mortgage provider that offers insightful advice to their clientele. They pride themselves on being savvy, proactive brokers who give their clients mortgage products with ease and convenience.

The brokers at CanWise Financial are billed as the next generation of mortgage experts and aim to appeal to young professionals looking to secure funding for their first homes. This does not mean that you need to be a first time home buyer in your twenties to use their services. You can be a borrower of any age, looking for any type of mortgage.

Does the team at CanWise Financial work with multiple lenders?

CanWise Financial’s team of brokers deal with dozens of lenders to ensure that their clients receive the right mortgage packages to suit their needs. The goal of a good mortgage broker is to provide their clients with options. Everyone’s economic needs are different, which is why no two mortgage products are alike.

No matter how many lenders they have access to, a proficient broker should be able to present you with an array of different mortgage products and help you decide which one is best for your financial situation.

What mortgage products do they provide?

CanWise Financial provides common mortgage products like:

Is there information about the mortgage industry on their website?

Unfortunately, canwise.com does not contain a blog portion or any content that offers insights into home buying, the housing market or other details involving the mortgage industry. Their website does have an “apply now” button that allows users to get the mortgage process started. Because their website is so sparse, it is very easy to write CanWise off as the too-cool brokers who only work with young clients. This is not the case. The founder of the company, James Laird, is a major player in the Canadian mortgage industry. Before starting Canwise, he spent six years as the COO of True North Mortgage, Canada’s largest independent brokerage.



Canada’s mortgage website

Your home is your most valuable asset. It is probably the single largest investment you will make in your lifetime. Your home is more than a place to rest your head and raise a family. Your home contains equity. It is a treasured resource and in some cases, can even be used as an ATM (aka cash back mortgages and HELOCs – don’t worry we’ll get there).

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