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Canada’s mortgage website

Your home is your most valuable asset. It is probably the single largest investment you will make in your lifetime. Your home is more than a place to rest your head and raise a family. Your home contains equity. It is a treasured resource and in some cases, can even be used as an ATM (aka cash back mortgages and HELOCs – don’t worry we’ll get there).

We All Need a Mortgage

Everyone who is looking to purchase a home will need a mortgage. But, what is a mortgage exactly and why do you need it? Besides being the term to describe a loan secured by real estate, a mortgage allows you to access funding to procure your dream home.

Mortgage Blog

Checklist for Getting a Mortgage

Purchasing a home is exciting, especially if you are a first-time buyer. It is also stressful and nerve-wracking. Read More

Everything You Need to Know About...

If you are interested in procuring a mortgage in Canada, then your credit score may have an impact on whether or not you qualify. Read More

Advantages of Having an...

If you are thinking of investing in a house of worship, then you will need to obtain an institutional mortgage in Canada. Read More

Investing in an Income Property

If you have recently come into some money or would like to invest your hard-earned money into a lucrative business venture, then investing... Read More

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